Mycology Dictionary: Your Comprehensive Guide to Fungal Terminology


  1. Aerial – growing or existing in the air
  2. Arthroconidium (Arthrospore) – special type of asexual spore formed by disarticulation of the mycelium
  3. Ascospore – spore formed in a sac-like cell known as an ascus, the shape of which aids in identification of the fungus. Often eight spores formed.
  4. Ascus – sac-like structure containing (usually eight) ascospores developed during sexual reproduction in the Ascomycetes.
  5. Aseptate – lacking cross walls
  6. Asexual reproduction – spores (reproductive bodies of a fungus) are formed directly from the vegetative mycelium or from specialized hyphae.
  7. Basidiospore – sexual spore produced on a specialized club-shaped structure, called a basidium.  (Basidiomycetes)
  8. Blastoconidia / Blastospore –  asexual spore formed from a budding process along the mycelium or from another blastospore.  (Ascomycetes)
  9. Chlamydospore – thick-walled resistant  asexual spore formed by direct differentiation of the mycelium.
  10.  Chromoblastomycosis – a subcutaneous mycosis often the result of traumatic inoculation of a dematiaceous fungus into the skin; etiologic agents include species of Cladosporium, Fonsecaea, Exophiala, and Phialophora.
  11.  Coenocytic – a cell or an aseptate hyphae containing numerous nuclei.
  12.  Conidia – asexual fungal spores borne externally in various ways from a conidiophore; often referred to a macro- and microconidia. Macroconidia are multicellular, while microconidia are unicellular.
  13.  Conidiophore – a specialized branch of hypha on which conidia are developed.
  14.  Culture – A sample of mushroom cells
  15.  Dematiaceous – pigmented, dark in color, usually gray to black.
  16.  Diphasic (dimorphic) – the ability of some fungi to grow as either yeast or filamentous stages, depending on conditions of growth.7.
  17.  Dermatophyte – fungi that cause superficial mycoses.
  18.  Ectothrixic – ability of the fungus to grow on the outside of a hair shaft.
  19.  Endogenous – derived from internal sources.
  20.  Endothrixic – ability of the fungus to grow and penetrate into the hair shaft.
  21.  Eukaryotes – organisms possessing a true nucleus (such as fungi) as opposed to prokaryotes which do not contain a nuclear membrane (such as bacteria).
  22.  Exogenous – derived from external sources.
  23.  Fertile  – bears conidia or spores for reproduction
  24.  Fungemia – fungal blood infection
  25.  Fungi Imperfecti – a large class of fungi with septate hyphae in which the asexual state of reproduction is known, but not the sexual state.  They are also called Deuteromycetes and include the majority of medically significant fungi.
  26.  Germ Tube – small projections which arise from cells of certain yeasts; indicates the onset of hyphal formation.
  27.  Hyaline – colorless, clear.
  28.  Hypha (hyphae plural) –  fundamental tube-like structural units of fungi.
  29.  Mold – term generally referring to filamentous fungi
  30.  Mycelium – a mass of hyphae forming the vegatative portion of the fungus
  31.  Mycetoma – a clinical syndrome of localized, tumorous lesions in cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues due to infections, often a foot,  with actinomycetes or fungi.
  32.  Mycosis – a disease caused by a fungus
  33.  Mycotoxins – toxins of fungal origin
  34.  Oospore –  also called zygospore, a sexual spore produced through the fusion of two unlike nuclei (class Phycomycetes)
  35.  Phycomycetes – a class of fungi forming a coenocytic mycelium with stiff sporangiophores that bear sporangiospores contained in a sporangium
  36.  Perfect fungi – fungi having sexual and asexual reproductive stages
  37.  Prokaryotes – organisms that do not contain a nuclear membrane (such as bacteria), as opposed to eukaryotes which contain a true nucleus(such as fungi).
  38.  Pseudohyphae – a chain of elongated budding cells that have failed to detach making them not true hyphae
  39.  Rhizoids – root-like structures
  40.  Saprobe (Saprophyte) – any plant organism that obtains its nourishment from dead organic matter
  41.  Self-fertile – homothallic Mating types are heterothallic.
  42.  Septate – divided by cross walls
  43.  Sexual reproduction – zygote / spore formation follows the fusion of two haploid nuclei
  44.  Sexual spores  – fusion of nuclei
  45.  Spawn – A substance that has been inoculated with mycelium
  46.  Sporangiophore – a special aerial hyphae or stalk bearing a sporangium
  47.  Sporangiospore – an asexual spore contained in a sporangium at the end of a sporangoiphore of the taxonomic class Phycomycetes
  48.  Sporangium – a sac or cell containing spores produced asexually
  49.  Spore – generally the reproductive body of a fungus; occasionally, a resistant body for adverse environment
  50.  Sporotrichosis – mycosis the from inoculation with Sporothrix schenckii, lymphocutaneous type is most common
  51.  Sporulation & Spores – preferred terms used when there is a merging of nuclear material, or a combining of genes.  Fusion of nuclear material.
  52.  Sterigmata – a specialized structure that arises from a basidium and supports basidiospores
  53.  Telemorph – the sexual form of a fungus
  54.  Thallospore – asexual spore produced on a thallus.
  55.  Thallospore – spore formed by a change in portions of the thallus
  56.  Thallus – the vegetative body of a fungus
  57.  Vegetative – absorbs nutrients
  58.  Yeast – mucoid form of fungus growth, microscopically shows a predominance of budding cells
  59.  Zoophilic – dermatophytes which are parasitic on lower animals as well as man
  60.  Zygospore – a thick-walled spore formed during sexual reproduction in the Phycomycetes
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